
The manufacturing industry has undergone significant changes in the past several decades. Global competition is greater today than ever before in history for Software Vendors. Local or regional manufacturers can no longer hope to achieve a competitive advantage based on location and geography alone or the reports & analysis Software Vendors provide. Products, pricing, process, quality and features drive the market and Manufacturing Companies are willing to deploy software & applications from competitors to get more favorable pricing or a better, more suitable product which will let them analyze their numbers & business performance.

Increasing raw material costs and declining profit margins combine with government regulatory compliance policies to create a nearly impossible juggling act for even the most sophisticated manufacturing enterprise.

The manufacturing enterprise must carefully monitor and analyze competitors, local, regional and international, and find ways to optimize resources and achieve maximum productivity with minimum investment. Manufacturers combine innovative plans for growth with optimized, streamlined operations and resource allocation, sustain effective raw material inventory and avoid doing business with undependable suppliers, distributors and partners.

Understanding the Business

We understand ISVs have specific needs and requirements with their Software & Applications. We @ INTEGRATIE understand the Manufacturing processes & functions with our experience & expert team enable partners to deliver market-leading analytics capabilities in as little as possible time to your customers. For organizations where resources are limited, we provide embedding solution that require little to no development. Hundreds of ISVs and SaaS providers have been able to go to market in very short time, delivering a feature rich product that becomes a new source of revenue.

By buying business analytics rather than building, ISVs can maintain a lean staff and focus resources on their core expertise – leaving analytics to the experts. However, embedding SAP BusinessObjects business analytics software requires careful analysis which we take care on your behalf.

Flexible Options to Suit Partner’s Business

You can work with SAP BusinessObjects solutions, using the following and other flexible options to suit the needs of your business operations and processes – on platform or component technology:

  1. Embed the solutions in your application on a licensed basis
  2. Bundle them with your application as one offering
  3. Resell them as optional modules to your own application
  4. Host them with your own application as an SaaS model
  5. Provide open-source reporting for the Eclipse platform
  6. Serve on-demand reporting with SAP Crystal Reports software

Partners, ISVs & SaaS providers can empower their customers to;

  1. Perform price volume mix analysis
  2. Ensure accurate, timely sales and marketing analysis to analyze results of campaigns and sales team and individual success by product, category, region, marketing campaign and other factors
  3. Ensure cost management and installed base tracking
  4. Establish and monitor metrics with data integrated from numerous systems to optimize production planning and control
  5. Monitor and analyze warranty claims and policies
  6. Perform factory operations analysis
  7. Manage all factors and tasks within the supply chain including supplier relationships, raw materials, shipping, distribution, billing, quality, performance and more!
  8. Ensure quality performance, establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics and monitor results
  9. Establish goals for shipping performance and monitor results
  10. Perform product life cycle analysis
  11. Create facilities, equipment and resource plans for new products

Partners can empower their customers to monitor & manage KPIs:

  1. Inventory Optimization – Inventory optimization analysis enables the user to monitor warehouse inventory and optimize capacity. Users can also track inventory-carrying costs for obsolete and slow moving inventory
  2. Financial Management – Financial management analysis facilitates budgeting, profitability and financial optimization, and enables the user to monitor performance goals using financial BI Dashboards. Users can identify problem areas and increase accountability, and management visibility
  3. Production Planning and Control – INTEGRATIE provides a unified, integrated view of data from enterprise, ERP and supply chain systems to simplify reporting and analysis of production and control issues including asset, equipment and facilities management, resource and shift allocation, training, downtime, maintenance, target production and more!
  4. Sales and Marketing – Our solution enables simple, practical management of new product development, sales and marketing campaigns and performance by product, SKU, category, region, team, campaign and plan vs. actual results.
  5. Supply Chain Management – Supply chain management enables users to evaluate supply chain activities, and maximize vendor performance without compromising quality. Users can create automated alerts and receive immediate notification of bottlenecks and possible shortages or quality issues.
  6. Enterprise Data Integration – INTEGRATIE provides a flexible, browser-based platform that will support growth as the user base, volume of data and enterprise locations and business grows and becomes more complex. Information is integrated from numerous sources and presented in a unified view. When combined with powerful analytics and highly customizable personalized BI reporting, users can develop reports and analyze data for presentation, compliance reporting and collaboration and problem solving.
  7. Operational Performance Management – Operational Performance Management enables the organization to establish and meet goals and track progress using a large volume of information, integrated from numerous enterprise systems and sources. Users can monitor the results of the organization and create and share reports to comply with government and industry regulations
  8. Profitability Management – Profitability Management and Analysis helps users to evaluate risk trends and forecast profitability with dependable data.

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