FH Testimony ^ Top
- A Core banking solution covering various functions of bank empowering business leaders to run high performance organizations. It provides the intelligence to power your business by covering various business functions of Bank.
- The flex cube reporting covers major areas of Banks like Opex, Hr, Assets, Retail, Liabilities, Macro Banking & Agriculture and SME. It provides the ability to discover and manage major banking areas as mentioned which helps business users of your organization to do better analysis & helps top managers to make appropriate decisions.
- FH Testimony showcases major banking KPIs like Operational Expenses, HR data, Assets & Liabilities, Agri Banking.
Features & Benefits:-
1. It is developed using award winning & leading BI tool, SAP Business Objects. It has 100% customizable analytics for top & middle management. It enables Slice, Dice & Drill capabilities.
2. These analytics can be scheduled so no manual refresh required. There will be 100+ presentation style for each KPI. You will have security al all level. You can also make a use of Ad Hoc capabilities of SAP Business Objects.
FH Dashboards ^ Top
- A flex solution meant for top level management providing aggregated level organization information.
- It showcases important business data with intuitive visualization power. It's analytical capabilities leads better business decision, driving business into right direction.
- FH Dashboard provides "What-If" capabilities enabling projection analysis which results in setting right targets.
- It is build on award winning technology, SAP Business Objects, monitoring all major KPIs of your organization.
- It also enables trend analysis, market share analysis, graphical drill down analysis & threshold based analysis.
Features & Benefits:-
1. Provide 100+ presentation styles with customization
2. Compatible with Microsoft office application
3. Get faster answers to your business question
4. Get key business matrix data as & when required
5. Eliminate the guess work
6. Security at all level
FH Exodus Service ^ Top
- A migration service designed significantly & run seamlessly with Flex cube.
- A scalable & flexible solution enabling you to migrate from older version to newer in less time & effort. Newer versions will provide intuitive interface, web based access & many new features.
- Organization is always in a need to upgrade their database to take more benefits & power from newer versions. Our Exodus service also ensures to connect your analytics to upgraded business data with new features & functions. It helps to empower your business user to do better analysis and per sue valued features.
- This powerful service ensures to secure your analytics when switching to different version & you don't lose any analytical information which can be mission critical.
Features & Benefits:-
1. scalable & flexible
2. Helps to achieve new features & functionalities
3. Secure your analytics during upgration