Data Quality

Fixing flawed or incomplete data is an important step toward better data management.

Practically every business can benefit from a reliable data management system. But before a program can be effective, it needs a solid foundation of high-quality data. The iTree Data Correction and Enrichment service enables your organization to fix problematic data and helps your business achieve the most value from your investment.

iTree Professional Services offers a more tactical data correction service that can help you:

  1. Formalize data cleansing and correction processes
  2. Engage business users to help establish rules around data correction and transformation
  3. Enrich data from a range of other sources, including data from third-party partners who may offer demographic and social data
  4. Automate previously manual work tasks
  5. Measure improvements from both business and efficiency measures

iTree Professional Services consultants not only bring their in-depth knowledge of data cleansing best practices, they carry with them a toolbox – based on the iTree Data Management Platform – that helps data correction projects get launched quickly. Consultants apply data exploration, profiling, standardization, validation; matching and correction technologies to help your data become fit for purpose.

Perhaps most important, iTree Professional Services consultants can teach your team how to do the work themselves. After the engagement, iTree Professional Services will leave behind all the processes, skills and tools necessary to do the job, so you can continue to maintain and benefit from your high-quality data.

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